Monday, 30 May 2011

Automatic Backup of Cisco Router Configuration using KRON

About KRON:
The Command Scheduler (KRON) Policy for System Startup features enables support for Command Scheduler upon system startup.
Command Scheduler allows customers to schedule fully-qualified EXEC mode CLI commands to run once, at specified intervals, at specified calendar dates and times, or upon system startup. Originally designed to work with CNS commands, Command Scheduler has a broader application. Using the CNS image agent feature, remote routers residing outside a firewall or using Network Address Translation (NAT) addresses can use Command Scheduler to launch CLI at intervals to update the image running in the router.
Command Scheduler has two basic processes. A policy list is configured containing lines of fully-qualified EXEC CLI commands to be run at the same time or interval. One or more policy lists are then scheduled to run after a specified interval of time, at a specified calendar date and time, or upon system startup. Each scheduled occurrence can be set to run once only or on a recurring basis. 

RX2(config)# kron policy-list netx
RX2(config-kron-policy)# cli sh running-config | redirect tftp://
RX2(config-kron-policy)#  exit
RX2(config)#  kron occurrence netx-kron at 10:00 recurring
RX2(config-kron-occurrence)#  policy-list netx
RX2(config-kron-occurrence)#  exit

RX2#sh kron schedule
Kron Occurrence Schedule
netx-kron inactive, will run again in 0 days 21:03:06 at 10:00 on

The above configuration can be used to schedule automatic backup of Cisco Router Configuration. As per the configuration given, Router is scheduled to take backup at 10:00AM everyday to TFTP Server specified.

Automatic Backup of Cisco Router Configuration using Archive

RX2(config-archive)#  path tftp://
RX2(config-archive)#  time-period 1440
RX2(config-archive)#  write-memory
RX2(config-archive)#  exit

The above configuration can be used to schedule automatic backup of Cisco Router Configuration. As per the configuration given, Router is scheduled to take backup every 24hrs as well as when ever user saves the changes using write-memory command to TFTP Server specified in path command.

Configuration Change Notification and Logging

About Configuration Log

The Configuration Change Notification and Logging feature tracks changes made to the Cisco IOS software running configuration by maintaining a configuration log. This configuration log tracks changes initiated only through the command-line interface (CLI) or HTTP. Only complete commands that result in the invocation of action routines are logged. The following types of entries are not logged:
•Commands that result in a syntax error message
•Partial commands that invoke the router help system
For each configuration command that is executed, the following information is logged:
•The command that was executed
•The configuration mode in which the command was executed
•The name of the user that executed the command
•The time at which the command was executed
•A configuration change sequence number
•Parser return codes for the command
You can display information from the configuration log through the use of the show archive log config command, with the exception of the parser return codes, which are for use by internal Cisco IOS applications only.

About Configuration Change Notifications and Config Change Logging

You can configure the Configuration Change and Notification Logging feature to send notification of configuration changes to the Cisco IOS software system logging (syslog) process. Syslog notifications allow monitoring of the configuration log information without performing polling and information gathering tasks.
The Configuration Change Notification and Logging feature allows the tracking of configuration changes entered by users on a per-session and per-user basis. This tool allows administrators to track any configuration change made to the Cisco IOS software running configuration, and identify the user that made that change. 

RX2(config-archive)#  log config
RX2(config-archive-log-cfg)#  hidekeys
RX2(config-archive-log-cfg)#  logging  enable
RX2(config-archive-log-cfg)#  notify syslog
RX2(config-archive-log-cfg)#  exit

Keyword “hidekeys” suppresses output of password while logging. 

RX2#sh archive log config all
 idx   sess           user@line      Logged command
    1     1        console@console  |  logging enable
    2     1        console@console  |  notify syslog
    3     1        console@console  |  exit
    4     1        console@console  |   exit
    5     2        console@console  |router rip
    6     2        console@console  | exit
    7     2        console@console  |no router rip
     8    2        console@console  |enable password *****

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Configuring SSH on Cisco Router

SSH Configuration:

RX1(config)#int f0/0
RX1(config-if)#ip address
RX1(config-if)#no shut
RX1(config)#ip domain-name
RX1(config)#crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 1024
The name for the keys will be:

% The key modulus size is 1024 bits
% Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...[OK]

*Mar  1 04:06:34.874: %SSH-5-ENABLED: SSH 1.99 has been enabled
RX1(config)#username netx password netx
RX1(config)#line vty 0 4
RX1(config-line)#login local
RX1(config-line)#transport input ssh


SSH from a Router to RX1:
RX3(config)#int f0/0
RX3(config-if)#ip address
RX3(config-if)#no shut
RX3#ssh -l netx

[Connection to closed by foreign host]

Configuring Secure Shell on Routers and Switches Running Cisco IOS 

Common OSPF issues and their cause

Troubleshooting OSPF Commands
Show IP OSPF Database
Show IP OSPF Database Database-Summary
show ip ospf neighbor
show ip ospf neighbor detail
show ip ospf interface
show ip ospf virtual-links
sh ip ospf stat
show ip ospf borders-routers
show ip ospf database self-originate
show ip ospf database adv-router x.x.x.x
Adjacency Is Not Coming Up
Layer 2 is down
OSPF not enabled on the interface
Mismatched subnet mask
Mismatched authentication key
Mismatched area ID
Mismatched transit/stub/NSSA option
Useful Commands for This Problem:
Show IP OSPF neighbor
Show IP OSPF interface
Debug IP OSPF adjacency

Neighbor Stuck in ATTEMPT state
Our hellos are getting lost in NBMA cloud
Neighbor hellos are getting lost in NBMA cloud
We received neighbor’s hello but rejects it for some reason
Misconfigured neighbor statement
Broken Unicast
Neighbor Stuck in INIT state
One side is blocking the hello packet with access-list
One side is translating (NAT) OSPF hello
One side multicast capabilities is broken (Layer 2)
Dialer map or Frame Relay map is missing keyword ‘broadcast’
Neighbor Stuck in 2-WAY state
This is normal in broadcast network types
This is to reduce the amount of flooding on the wire
Problem can happen if all the router are configured with priority equal to ‘0’
Take care which routers are configured with priority 0 so they don’t participate in DR election
Neighbor Stuck in EXSTART/EXCHANGE
Note: If Cisco IOS is < 12.0.3 neighbor will show stuck in EXCHANGE
Neighbor RID is same as ours—EXSTART
Note: If Cisco IOS is > 12.0.7, it displays msg: %OSPF-3-DUP_RTRID & OSPF neighbor list will be empty
Unicast is broken—EXCHANGE
a. Wrong VC/DLCi mapping in frame/ATM environment in highly redundant network
b. MTU problem, can’t ping across with more than certain length packet
c. Access-list blocking unicast; after two-way OSPF send unicast packet except p2p links
d. NAT is translating unicast packet
Between PRI and BRI/dialer and network type is p2p—EXCHANGE
Neighbor Stuck in LOADING state
LS request is being made and neighbor is sending bad packet or mem corrupt
a. Do show IP OSPF bad to see bad LSA
b. Show log will show OSPF-4-BADLSATYPE msg
LS request is being made and neighbor is ignoring the request
MTU mismatch problem (RFC 1583 and 2178 compatibility issue) . OSPF should detect if the neighbor MTU is smaller than ours. Currently available in latest 12.3 and 12.0S.

Information is in the Database, but Not in the Routing Table

Generally caused due to any filtering options enabled
Mismatched Network Types
Point-to-Point Numbered and Unnumbered Links
Different Mask or IP Subnet on P2P Links
Address Flipped on Dual Links
Forwarding Address Problem
Discontigous Backbone

EIGRP metric calculation

EIGRP uses a composite metric, meaning it’s made up of several smaller metrics:
Bandwidth (minimum along path)
Delay (cumulative along path)
These correspond to numbers that come from the show interface command, and can be directly read from the show ip eigrp topology network/mask command.
Router#show int e0
Ethernet0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Lance, address is 0060.5cf3.bb1e (bia 0060.5cf3.bb1e)
Internet address is
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000 Kbit, DLY 1000 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set

------- rest output omitted ---------

Router#show ip eigrp topology
IP-EIGRP (AS 44): Topology entry for
State is Passive, Query origin flag is 1, 1 Successor(s), FD is 281600
Routing Descriptor Blocks: (Ethernet0), from Connected, Send flag is 0x0
Composite metric is (281600/0), Route is Internal
Vector metric:
Minimum bandwidth is 10000 Kbit
Total delay is 1000 microseconds
Reliability is 255/255
Load is 1/255
Minimum MTU is 1500
Hop count is 0
The bandwidth is calculated as 10E7/BW(in kbit, 10E7 means 10 to the power of 7) , and the lowest along the path is chosen. The delay is the sum of all the delays in tens of microseconds. Thus, 1000 microseconds is 100 “tens of microseconds”. Reliability, MTU, and Load can be easily seen.
The metric formula is
metric = [K1 * bandwidth + (K2 * bandwidth) / (256 - load) + K3 * delay] * [K5 / (reliability + K4)]
Where K1 through K5 are constants that can be changed with the metric weights command, but default is K1=K3=1 and K2=K4=K5=0. This reduces the equation to
metric = ((10E7/minbw)+(sum of delays))*256
In above example, the metric is(10E7/10000+100)*256 = 281600.
Verify from Router#show ip eigrp topology
Composite metric is (281600/0), Route is Internal

Spanning-Tree Protocol Port States

Propagation delays can occur when protocol information is passed through a switched LAN. As a result, topology changes can take place at different times and at different places in a switched network. When a switch port transitions directly from non-participation in the stable topology to the forwarding state, it can create temporary data loops. Ports must wait for new topology information to propagate through the switched LAN before starting to forward frames. They must also allow the frame lifetime to expire for frames that have been forwarded using the old topology.
Each port on a switch using Spanning-Tree Protocol exists in one of the following five states:

A port moves through these five states as follows:
From initialization to blocking
From blocking to listening or to disabled
From listening to learning or to disabled
From learning to forwarding or to disabled
From forwarding to disabled

You can modify each port state by using management software. When Spanning-Tree Protocol is enabled, every switch in the network goes through the blocking state and the transitory states of listening and learning at power up. If properly configured, the ports then stabilize to the forwarding or blocking state.
When the spanning-tree algorithm determines that a port should be placed in the forwarding state, the following occurs:
The port is put into the listening state while it waits for protocol information that suggests it should go to the blocking state.
The port waits for the expiration of a protocol timer that moves the port to the learning state.
In the learning state, the port continues to block frame forwarding as it learns station location information for the forwarding database.
The expiration of a protocol timer moves the port to the forwarding state, where both learning and forwarding are enabled.

Blocking State
A port in the blocking state does not participate in frame forwarding. After initialization, a BPDU is sent to each port in the switch. A switch initially assumes it is the root until it exchanges BPDUs with other switches. This exchange establishes which switch in the network is really the root. If only one switch resides in the network, no exchange occurs, the forward delay timer expires, and the ports move to the listening state. A switch always enters the blocking state following switch initialization.
-A port in the blocking state performs as follows:
-Discards frames received from the attached segment.
-Discards frames switched from another port for forwarding.
-Does not incorporate station location into its address database. (There is no learning at this point, so there is no address database update.)
-Receives BPDUs and directs them to the system module.
-Does not transmit BPDUs received from the system module.
-Receives and responds to network management messages.

Listening State
The listening state is the first transitional state a port enters after the blocking state, when Spanning-Tree Protocol determines that the port should participate in frame forwarding. Learning is disabled in the listening state.
A port in the listening state performs as follows:
-Discards frames received from the attached segment.
-Discards frames switched from another port for forwarding.
-Does not incorporate station location into its address database. (There is no learning at this point, so there is no address database update.)
-Receives BPDUs and directs them to the system module.
-Processes BPDUs received from the system module.
-Receives and responds to network management messages.

Learning State
A port in the learning state is preparing to participate in frame forwarding. This is the second transitional state through which a port moves in anticipation of frame forwarding. The port enters the learning state from the listening state through the operation of Spanning-Tree Protocol.
A port in the learning state performs as follows:
-Discards frames received from the attached segment.
-Discards frames switched from another port for forwarding.
-Incorporates station location into its address database.
-Receives BPDUs and directs them to the system module.
-Receives, processes, and transmits BPDUs received from the system module.
-Receives and responds to network management messages.

Forwarding State
A port in the forwarding state forwards frames. The port enters the forwarding state from the learning state through the operation of Spanning-Tree Protocol.
A port in the forwarding state performs as follows:
-Forwards frames received from the attached segment.
-Forwards frames switched from another port for forwarding.
-Incorporates station location information into its address database.
-Receives BPDUs and directs them to the system module.
-Processes BPDUs received from the system module.
-Receives and responds to network management messages.
Caution Use the immediate-forwarding (portfast) mode only on ports connected to individual workstations to allow these ports to come up and go directly to the forwarding state, rather than having to go through the entire spanning-tree initialization process. To prevent illegal topologies, enable Spanning-Tree Protocol on ports connected to switches or other devices that forward messages.

Disabled StateA port in the disabled state does not participate in frame forwarding or the operation of Spanning-Tree Protocol. A port in the disabled state is virtually nonoperational.
A disabled port performs as follows:
-Discards frames received from the attached segment.
-Discards frames switched from another port for forwarding.
-Does not incorporate station location into its address database. (There is no learning, so there is no address database update.)
-Receives BPDUs, but does not direct them to the system module.
-Does not receive BPDUs for transmission from the system module.
-Receives and responds to network management messages.

Cisco SD-WAN: Onboarding Controllers step by step (on-prem)

 This configuration example only covers the process of installing the SD-WAN controller software images on a VMWare ESXI instance, establish...